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The Capacity Rate

Curious how FlexiO can help you save maximum money without having to compromise on comfort, despite the new capacity rate?

Due to the introduction of the capacity tariff, people are very concerned with smoothing out their monthly peak (peak shaving). But what if we told you that your savings through peak shaving are quite limited? And with FlexiO you can save up to 3x more!

To respond to the capacity rate, we recently launched a new version of FlexiO.

From January 1, 2023, your battery will make a certain reservation that can absorb later peaks. Moreover, during dark winter days it is also healthier if your battery always has a slightly higher charge, instead of being completely empty for a long time. So win-win.

From midnight on January 1, peak shaving will be taken into account when optimizing FlexiO and the monthly peak will be limited as much as possible.

Be sure to check out our blog about FlexiO and its effect on the capacity rate via the button below.

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How does FlexiO respond to the capacity rate?

Would you like to make a comparison for your situation? Using the VREG's new network tariff simulator you can calculate the maximum savings you can make by focusing only on peak shaving.

FlexiO takes into account weather forecasts, dynamic rates, your consumption pattern, the degradation of your battery, etc. It therefore always looks for the most optimal and cost-effective option for your situation.


Our FlexiO calculator shows how much FlexiO can help you save on an annual basis by equipping your system with our smart controls.

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Make the calculation for your situation!

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